Puslinch Yesterday: Peter & Marjorie McLean
Peter McLean (1901-1989) Marjorie McLean, (1903-1967) Children of Duncan McKenzie McLean & Maggie Clark of Badenoch photo c.1904
Peter McLean (1901-1989) Marjorie McLean, (1903-1967) Children of Duncan McKenzie McLean & Maggie Clark of Badenoch photo c.1904
What Does Distracted Driving Mean to You? Attention all Wellington County Youth! Safe Communities Wellington County is inviting you to participate in The Wellington County Distracted Driving Video Contest. If…
JANUARY 31, 2019 The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has directly provided the following update: Temporary barriers will be installed on the shoulder of the eastbound 401 this evening…
The Township of Puslinch is filled with heritage, opportunity, and community. We are excited to share with you the Township’s newly evolved logo and identity. Visit PuslinchBrand.ca to learn about…
On Jan 27th, the Friends of Valens hosted a bird box building workshop. Though it was a cold and snowy day, volunteers came out to construct 27 bird nesting boxes….
I had the delight of spending a morning with Dave Sutton who reminisced about his career with the township. As we poured over the pictures he brought with him, he…
UPDATE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION AND PARKS – FUEL SPILL – JANUARY 24, 2019 The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has directly provided the following update:…
The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has directly provided the following update: Vacuum trucks remain at key bridge access locations along Mill Creek (primarily at Concession 2) to skim…
Property Theft / Break and Enter On Monday morning, January 21, 2019 members of the Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a report of a vehicle and barn being…
CTV News has put up an excellent video about the cleanup of the jet fuel spill in kitchener and I’d encourage everyone to watch it. It does a good job…