Youth Contest: What Does Distracted Driving Mean to You?
Attention all Wellington County Youth! Safe Communities Wellington County is inviting you to participate in a Distracted Driving Video Contest. If you are 19 and under and reside in Wellington County you can create and submit a video up to 60 seconds long explaining “What Distracted Driving Means to you”.
Youth on the roads are still getting injured at astronomically high rates. While you only make up 12% of the licensed drivers, you account for approximately one fifth of all road-related injuries and fatalities.
“Teens and young adults need to realize they are at a higher risk of getting into an accident, because they are new and inexperienced drivers, states Christine Veit, Program Coordinator, Safe Communities Wellington County.
These are serious issues, which need attention and No Distractions. Your parents play a vital role in helping you take intelligent steps to stay safe on the road, but ultimately it’s up to you to make the right decisions behind the wheel or when you enter a vehicle as a passenger.
Click HERE for more information on how you can create and submit your Distracted Driving Video.