The Christmas Bird Count
According to Bird Studies Canada, the Christmas bird count started in 1900. This makes the count the longest running Citizen Science project. In Canada, approximately 14,000 birders count over 3 million birds from December 14 to January 5. Data is collected by Birds Studies Canada to help create strategies to protect birds and their habitats. In conjunction with Audubon, a ‘Birds and Climate Change Report’ has evolved highlighting dangerous bird population trends and the need for conservation action.
It is easy to participate. Simply contact Bird Studies Canada to find a count near you. Counts may be done from the warmth of your home while watching bird feeders or hiking in the crisp winter weather observing fields for bird activity. Don’t forget to take photos and submit them to the Christmas Bird Count photo contest.
I’ll be donning on my favorite warm socks and traveling the trails of Crieff Hills. My assistant, Runabout, will keep me company on our walks. It is a great way to enjoy the Christmas season.