New Puslinch Councillor Appointed
On Wednesday, August 10, five candidates vied for the vacant council position on Puslinch Council.
All five were given the opportunity to make a ten minute presentation to council and were subsequently asked the same four questions.
For the first round of voting each councillor was given three votes. With one vote only, Antonio Duscio was eliminated. The remaining candidates resulted in a four way tie of two votes each between Kevin Johnson, Paul Sadhra, John Sepulis and Patricia Von Holstein-Rathlou. The four names were then put into a box and CAO Karen Landry drew one name. Kevin Johnson was picked and he did not move forward to the second round.
The second round vote was unanimous with four votes going to John Sepulis. We congratulate Councillor Sepulis and wish him all the best in his tenure on council.
Can you provide a summary of John Sepulis’ education, credentials & experiences? I am interested to know. Thank you.
I’m sorry, I can’t. The township would be the best place to ask for anything regarding the new councillor.
I’m sorry you were eliminated by chance. That’s tough. But your work here is very needed and appreciated
Thanks, I had hoped that my being the only candidate who attends council meetings and had actually read the township docs would give me an edge in the voting but it didn’t work out that way. Apparently those weren’t the qualities being sought by council.
If attending council meetings, reading township documents isn’t a requirement of a councillor, then what is??? Very disappointing news. I agree with K Ganhnier — your work on Puslinch Today is very needed and appreciated.
There will be an election in two years time.
With any luck at all , maybe WE will get to choose the best candidate, not whoever fits the mold of our current council.